Why use a special “Name” class (instead of just a string) for representing object names in C++?


Suppose we have an Instance class in a C++ program, which has a GUID/UUID, name, parents, children, and other properties which can be saved to or loaded from an XML file.

The intuitive approach for representing the name of the Instance is to give it a property of type std::string, char*/char[], or whatever other generic string type is being used. Some programs, however, use a separate Name class as a wrapper around a string. I’ve looked at source code which does this, but from everything I’ve seen, the Name class has no purpose besides providing a mutex, various asserts and other runtime error checking, and convoluted-looking declaration methods (usually a combination of functions like declare() { <declaration code> }, doDeclare() { <some convoluted stuff>; declare() }, and callDoDeclare() { <even more convoluted nonsense>; doDeclare() }.

Is there actually a reason to use a special Name class, or can I just use a regular string property? Should I even be worrying about this so early on in the development of my project?