Mongodb. How to use elemMatch as condition to update fields

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I have two array of objects i my documents.

  "profileSpherestatus": [
      "idf": "B002",
      "completedPercentage": 100
      "idf": "B003",
      "completedPercentage": 90
      "idf": "B004",
      "completedPercentage": 100
  "myGratificacions": [
      "idb": "B003",
      "gratification": 20
      "idb": "B004",
      "gratification": 30

I want to add a new object in myGratifications if there is at least one object in the profileSpherestatus array where idf is “B002” and completedPercentage is 100, and there is not a gratification with “idb”:”B002″

The newobject is:

newObject = {

This is my pipeline:

  {"$set": {
      {"$cond": {
        "if": {
          "$and": [
              {"$elemMatch": {"idf": "B002", "completedPercentage": 100}}
              {"myGratifications":{"$elemMatch": {"idb": "B002"}}}
        "then": {
            "$concatArrays": ["$myGratifications",[newObject]]
        "else": "$myGratifications"

But $elemMatch cannot be used inside $set or $addFields. Can you help me?