Tag : mongodb

I have been having this problem for the last day. When I initially tried it, I was able to access the database through both shell and node on my pc, but all of the sudden, this problem started happeneing. I press add current IP and the bar on top of the screen turns blue for a minute, but immediatley goes back to saying it doesnt have my IP. I am not using a vpn, but I do have DHCP enabled, so Im not sure if that is an ..

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db.getCollection(‘market’).aggregate([ { “$match”:{ market_no: 137567 } }, { “$project”: { market_username: 1 } }, { “$lookup”: { “from”: “profile”, “localField”: “market_username”, “foreignField”: “profile_username”, “as”: “profile” } }, { “$unwind”: { “path”: “$profile”, “preserveNullAndEmptyArrays”: true } }, { “$unwind”: { “path”: “$profile.board_auth”, “preserveNullAndEmptyArrays”: true } }, { “$project”: { “profile.board_auth”:1 } }, ]) this is the ..

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