XML Reading with several data after “Name”

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I have a xml document with several data under the name “RX”.
So far i can only read the first name in “RX” that is “m_rx.nActive” which is value “0”.

I need to read 2 data:

  • Freq m_freq.n64RX=”2835000″ ‘i need the 2835000 value
  • Mode m_mode.nMode=”0″ ‘i need the “0” in “0&quot”

Can you help me please to resolve this problem ?

Many thanks in advance.

        Dim xmlToTxt As XmlReader = XmlReader.Create(filename)
        '<Name m_name.strGroup="-- UNKNOWN" m_name.strFolder="MIL-STD 188-141 - ALE" m_name.strTitle="4.498,000 ALE TWS:VP TO:RP unk-tx" />

        Do While xmlToTxt.Read()

            If xmlToTxt.NodeType = XmlNodeType.Element AndAlso xmlToTxt.Name = "RX" Then

                MsgBox(xmlToTxt.GetAttribute(0) & "   <>")  'm_rx.nActivate="0" i can read

            End If


I can only read: <RX m_rx.nActivate=”0″