Why running the command with 2 options I got error?

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In laravel 10 app I have a command with 2 optional arguments in signature :

class RssImportByUrlTestCommand extends Command

protected $signature = 'app:rss-import-by-url-test-command  {defaultCompanyId?} {createPublished?}';

and I run the command like :

php artisan   app:rss-import-by-url-test-command  1    1

where 2 arguments were optional and the second is bool key, not integer ID

I need to add 1 more required argument and reading docs at https://laravel.com/docs/10.x/artisan#options-with-valuesI remade :

protected $signature = 'app:rss-import-by-url-test-command {task_category_id} {--company_id} {--create_published=1)';

But running the command with 2 options I got error :

php artisan   app:rss-import-by-url-test-command  1  --company_id=1  --create_published=1
The "--company_id" option does not exist.

What is wrong ?