why I get two quote characters in my PDF?

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I generate pdfs with api2pdf

I see two quote characters before my table
enter image description here

How can I remove this and why it comes ?


    const d = await clientPDF.chromeHtmlToPdf(`

        <p>Name: james test</p>
        <p>Zeitraum: 3 2024</p>
        <p>Gesamtstunden: 80</p>

      <table id="customers">
          ${ calculateAllPauseTimesArrayToMinutes.map((el => (
            <td>${format(el.start_time, 'PP', {  locale: de } )}</td>
            <td class="text-ellips">${el.location_name ?? '/'}</td>
            <td>${format(el.start_time, 'p', {  locale: de } )}</td>
            <td>${format(el.end_time, 'p', {  locale: de } )}</td>
            <td>${el.pause_times.length > 0 ? el.pause_times.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) : '/'}</td>
            <td>${parseFloat((differenceInMinutes(el.end_time, el.start_time) / 60).toFixed(2))}</td></tr>`
      `, { options: options });

I removed the spaces in my tr td where I map it but it also not going away. Idk why it comes I hope anyone can give me the answer where the problem is