When decoupling methods is not a good idea?


It’s a discussion about follow very strictly the SRP (Single Responsability Principle) vs. be more flexible when you write simple codes, like setting or getting properties values, even out of a direct context.

My first doubt is about where SRP should be included. I always read about SRP should be applied on classes. But and about methods, properties or traits (as in PHP), …?

If this answer is no, maybe we can discard all text below.

To exemplify, let’s define an example case. To be more easy understand, we’ll write a singleton structure for a class called Example. Disregard IoC, for this case.

It should have two methods, basically:

  • getInstance(): returns an unique instance of your class; and
  • rebuildInstance(): it’ll only destroy current instance and recreate it;

Basically to it works, getInstance() should check if the internal instance was set, create it if not, then return it. And rebuildInstance() should destroy current instance if it was defined and create a new, without return nothing.

Let’s turn it more visual (in some pseudo-language):

class Example 
    static private Example instance;

    static public Example getInstance() 
        if (!this.instance) 
            this.instance = new Example;

        return this.instance;

    static public void rebuildInstance() 
        if (this.instance)

        this.instance = new Example;

So note that:

  • getInstance() have two responsabilities: 1. check and instantiate; 2. return.
  • rebuildInstance() have two responsabilities: 1. check and destroy; 2. instantiate;

You will see that both should instantiate, so let consider it as an effect duplication. To avoid that, I should decouple my methods to each one have a single responsability, then I need creates two other methods:

  • buildInstanceWhenNeed();
  • destroyInstanceWhenNeed();

It’ll turn more clear what each methods does by name and by its structure. So our code will seems like:

class Example 
    static private Example instance;

    static private void buildInstanceWhenNeed() 
        if (!this.instance) 
            this.instance = new Example;

    static public Example getInstance() 

        return this.instance;

    static private void destroyInstanceWhenNeed()
        if (this.instance)

    static public void rebuildInstance() 


Seems that now I’m respecting SRP completely on methods, very strictly. Each method have a single responsability without get out the class responsability. Except by the fact it have a singleton pattern inside of it, but I told to disregard IoC usage on start of topic.

So now I have additional questions:

  1. Should I apply SRP on methods, decoupling it, to make sure that it have a single responsability on each method?
  2. If yes. Should I do it even when the method don’t duplicate any effect? For instance: if rebuildInstance() doesn’t exists here, then I don’t need decouple getInstance() because is the unique instance that will, in fact, create a new instance of class. So in this case, do I still need create buildInstanceWhenNeed() or not?
  3. If yes, but lower priority. And about performance? I mean, when it really affect the runtime, decreasing considerably the speed of application because of ultra decoupled methods (which perhaps only affects interpreted languages), but with high specifications to each one.


Allow me to go Zen on you:

Please do not incur in analysis paralysis.

By that reasoning you could as well call your method destroyInstanceWhenNeededButOnlyIfYouCallMe().

A single line of common code between two methods, specially an instantiation is not an itch that needs to be scratched. SRP doesn’t go into that minutiae. It’s about classes doing too much or having more than one reason to change.

The original design is OK. The second design is too much thinking for so little gain.

Single Responsibility Principle is ultimately a design principle created to ensure that “A class should have only one reason to change”. While this doesn’t mean that it cannot apply to methods, it means that it is more strictly applicable to classes.

In determining the responsibility of your class or method, it is important to consider the consumer of your class or method. Who/what will use this class and what is its intended purpose? Is your class a business layer module designed to coordinate complex business tasks? is your class a persistence class designed to commit data to your persistence module? The consumers of these classes and their intended activities will often provide a hint as to whether or not your class is doing too much.

For that reason your example is not clear. Who will use Example? What does Example do? If you haven’t defined what it really does and who/what it is for, how can you say if it does too much?

Drilling down into your specific methods, I believe you’re starting to touch on issues other than Single Responsibility Principle. First off, your API is flawed as you expose all of your methods as public. I believe destroyInstanceWhenNeeded() and buildInstanceWhenNeed() should be private.

With that resolved you can consider your individual methods. Should buildInstanceWhenNeeded() exist? Maybe, but that’s more of a Don’t Repeat Yourself problem. Should destroyInstanceWhenNeeded() exist? That’s subjective based on a number of factors. Does it improve the readability of rebuildInstance()? Does it self-document some non-obvious behaviours or algorithms required in rebuildInstance()?

As you can see there’s much to consider here. To answer your questions:

  1. Should I apply SRP on methods, decoupling it, to make sure that it have
    a single responsibility on each method?

Subjectively yes if it actually improves readability of code, if the decoupled method encapsulates logic that doesn’t directly relate to the method based on its signature name, or if it helps self-document logic that may otherwise need a comment

  1. If yes. Should I do it even when the method don’t duplicate any effect? For instance: if rebuildInstance() doesn’t exists here, then I
    don’t need decouple getInstance() because is the unique instance that
    will, in fact, create a new instance of class. So in this case, do I
    still need create buildInstanceWhenNeed() or not?

Again, it’s hard to say based on the issues with your example with regards to the consumer of your class, but I have given you reasons beyond duplication of effort for refactoring a method.

  1. If yes, but lower priority. And about performance? I mean, when it really affect the runtime, decreasing considerably the speed of
    application because of ultra decoupled methods (which perhaps only
    affects interpreted languages), but with high specifications to each

If your method calls are so specific that you’re running into performance issues with the stack, you may have made a mistake along the way.