Using an enterprise service gateway with official c# MSAL libraries

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We have a very enterprise specific issue.
At the moment when we want to acquire authentication tokens for MS graph requests, we are using the MSAL libraries so we don’t have to re-implement all the kinds of token caching/refreshing logic by our self.
But as we are working from enclosed systems, we have to use a proxy to connect to, which works fine till now.

Our security doesn’t want this anymore, they want us to use our gateway.
So instead of using with a proxy server we should directly connect to

Here comes now my problem, the MSAL libraries are doing so much more than just…, but also all the userrealdiscovery stuff.

Is it in any way possible to use the MSAL libraries and bent them to use our gateway?

How it works at the moment:
building MSAL client

return o365IntegrationOptions.ProxySettings.UseProxy ?
                    .WithDefaultRedirectUri() //
                 : PublicClientApplicationBuilder
                   .WithDefaultRedirectUri() //



Later fetch the token for each graph call (without caching, as that isn’t important for the question)

var result = _msalClient.AcquireTokenByUsernamePassword(_scopes, loginSMTP, password).ExecuteAsync();
return result.AccessToken;

I tried to use different methods for injecting authorities with and without a tenantId, experimental features like the OidcAuthority, directly connecting to our InstanceDiscoveryMetadataUri but i somehow never get it to do the actual call over our gateway