Understanding dependency inversion


According to the definition by Robert Martin, high level modules should not depend on low level modules, instead both should depend on abstractions.

So if I have a domain entity Invoice that uses an interface InvoiceRepository for persistence, and an infrastructure layer where this interface is implemented in a class PdoInvoiceRepository, then both modules – the entity and the persistence mechanism – depend on the abstraction (interface)?

Further, if the methods in above interface do not depend on the implementation details but instead express the abstracted needs of my domain model, then I have achieved dependency inversion?

The idea behind dependency inversion is to prevent hard-coded dependencies within a class.

If I write this:

public class Customer
    private CustomerRepository _repository;
    public Customer()
        _repository = new CustomerRepository();

Then I have tightly bound CustomerRepository to Customer.

But if, instead, I write

public class Customer
    private ICustomerRepository _repository

    public Customer(ICustomerRepository repository)
        _repository = repository;

I can then write:

var customer = new Customer(new RepositoryClassThatImplementsICustomerRepository());

So you can hand the constructor of my class any object that implements the ICustomerRepository interface. The class is no longer tightly-coupled to a specific implementation of Customer Repository.

ICustomerRepository is an abstraction; it defines the operations that are valid for a repository object that satisfies Customer‘s requirements.