Typewriter Effect on Batch

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@echo off
title Illuminati
set msg="Text 1"
Call :TypeWriter %Msg%
set msg="Text 2"
Call :TypeWriter %Msg%
set msg="Text 3"
Call :TypeWriter %Msg%
set msg="Text 4"
Call :TypeWriter %Msg%

echo strText=wscript.arguments(0^)
echo intTextLen = Len(strText^)
echo intPause = 25
echo For x = 1 to intTextLen
echo     strTempText = Mid(strText,x,1^)
echo     WScript.StdOut.Write strTempText
echo     WScript.Sleep intPause
echo Next
@cScript.EXE /noLogo "%tmp%%~n0.vbs" "%~1"
exit /b
``` all this works perfectly Fine tho adding it to my batch multitool it doesent... 

echo ═══════════════════╦══[1] INFO
echo ╚╦══[2] Build Client
echo ╚═══[3] Listen
set /p Illuminati=[?]:
if %Illuminati% == 1 goto :illuinfo
if %Illuminati% == 2 goto :illuclient
if %Illuminati% == 3 goto :illulisten
goto Arsch

@echo off
title Illuminati
set msg=”Text 1″
Call :TypeWriter %Msg%
set msg=”Text 2″
Call :TypeWriter %Msg%
set msg=”Text 3″
Call :TypeWriter %Msg%
set msg=”Text 4″
Call :TypeWriter %Msg%
goto UltraVNC

echo strText=wscript.arguments(0^)
echo intTextLen = Len(strText^)
echo intPause = 25
echo For x = 1 to intTextLen
echo strTempText = Mid(strText,x,1^)
echo WScript.StdOut.Write strTempText
echo WScript.Sleep intPause
echo Next
@cScript.EXE /noLogo “%tmp%%~n0.vbs” “%~1”
exit /b

my assumption is that its the vbs file and the cmd cannot output this because the animation works via the vbs file and not the actuall cmd window that im trying to use so its basically just an illusion... if thats or smth like this the case can anyone help me find a script that works for such case with actuall working delay that u can edit? cuz in the questions asked about this that i find on stack overflow they just all go way too slow and i cant figure out how to edit the delay?


Well a working animation..

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