Seeking Assistance with Erela.js WebSocket Endpoint Update for Lavalink

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I’m currently facing an issue with updating the WebSocket endpoint configuration in Erela.js to connect to my Lavalink server. I’ve recently upgraded my Lavalink server to a newer version, which requires using a different WebSocket endpoint (/v4/websocket). Despite trying to update the Erela.js library and all its plugins using npm update erela.js, I haven’t been successful in resolving the issue.

Could someone please provide guidance on how to properly update the WebSocket endpoint in Erela.js to connect to the new Lavalink version? I’ve attempted modifying the configuration, but I keep encountering errors.

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!

Detailed Error:

2024-04-21T00:47:28.172Z  INFO 29 --- [  XNIO-1 task-2]         : GET /, client=IP LOL
2024-04-21T00:47:28.358Z  WARN 29 --- [  XNIO-1 task-2] lavalink.server.config.WebsocketConfig   : This is the old Lavalink websocket endpoint. Please use /v4/websocket instead. If you are using a client library, please update it to a Lavalink v4 compatible version or use Lavalink v3 instead