refactor empty string to be dynamic

  Kiến thức lập trình

How can the following be refactored so I don’t have to add a searchField each time to display the data?

   * selected data from grid
  public selectedFieldValue = '';

   * selected bank data from grid
  public selectedBankName = '';

   * selected city data from grid
  public selectedCityName = '';

   * selected textname data from grid
  public selectedTextName = '';

  public onRowSelection(params: ICellRendererParams): void {
    // get the selected rows from the event details
    this.showContinue = true;
    this.selectedFieldValue =[this.searchField];
    this.selectedBankName =;
    this.selectedCityName =;
    this.selectedTextName =;

   * Handler to close form and set value of selected value
   * @param evt info about the selected row
   * @returns void
  public getFieldValue(): void {
    [this.isSearchFormOpen, this.showTooMuchDataAlert, this.showNoDataAlert, this.disableSave] =
      [false, false, false, false];
    this.myForm && this.myForm.nativeElement.updateValue(
      this.fieldHash[this.searchField], this.selectedFieldValue
    this.myForm && this.myForm.nativeElement.updateValue(
      this.fieldHash[AboutMeModal.BANKA], this.selectedBankName
    this.myForm && this.myForm.nativeElement.updateValue(
      this.fieldHash[AboutMeModal.ORT01], this.selectedCityName
    this.myForm && this.myForm.nativeElement.updateValue(
      this.fieldHash[AboutMeModal.RCTVCLTEXT], this.selectedTextName

Adding them in a hash would be an approach? Just so I don’t have to initialize an empty string each time.