Quarkus Redis Client is creating huge amount of connections

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In my quarkus redis client, I am creating way more connections than my connection pool should allow. I am not sure why this is happening. My connection pool has maxPoolSize = 6 maxPoolWaiting = 24 but yet my elasticache service shows that my current connections on my shards went up to 1.4k and 700. Elasticache Current Connections

Why is this happening and how can I limit the amount of connections that my quarkus client is creating? This amount of connections is causing me the cache to have a high cpu usage which is not good for scaling.

I am using <quarkus.platform.version>2.16.4.Final</quarkus.platform.version>
This is the code I’ve been using to customize the RedisOptions.

    public void customize(String clientName, RedisOptions options) {
        NetClientOptions netOptions = options.getNetClientOptions();

and this is how I am using the RedisClient in my code

    public CacheService(
            @RedisClientName("cache") @NotNull ReactiveRedisDataSource reactiveRedisDataSource,
    ) {
        commands = reactiveRedisDataSource.value(byte[].class);
        keyCommands = reactiveRedisDataSource.key();

    public Uni<Optional<Item>> getItem(String key) {
        return commands.get(key).onItem().transform("turnFromBytestoItem");

and this is my connection logic in the application.properties
