Proper usage of AVG function in Bigquery of particular data ocurrences

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im having trouble to understand how to use the AVG function in the following scenario,

I have a table called requests, it has columns app_name (STRING), operation_status (INTEGER status codes like 200, 500, etc.), timestamp (INTEGER, this is a milliseconds timestamp), correlated_id (STRING, this is an UUID)

so for example if I have the following records:

INSERT INTO `requests`
  (app_name, operation_status, timestamp, correlated_id)
  ("APP_1", 200, 1714207107972, '82156a64-e43f-467f-894d-bf28dc007e2b'),
  ("APP_1", 500, 1714207107972, '51345b32-a21d-215c-432a-bc13dc115e1c'),
  ("APP_2", 200, 1714207107972, '41123n43-b15d-134a-673e-ad13ab104a1c'),
  ("APP_2", 500, 1714207107972, '63246a54-a32g-324c-673e-ad13ab104a1c'),
  ("APP_3", 200, 1714207107972, '51135b32-b13a-213f-532f-zc09dg213k0h');

I want a query that tells me the Average number of 200 requests that happen per application, so for this I was trying the following query:

  COUNTIF(operation_status = 200) AS successful_ops,
  COUNTIF(operation_status = 500) AS failed_ops,
  AVG(CASE WHEN operation_status = 200 THEN operation_status END) AS avg_status_200, -- this is not working
  (COUNTIF(operation_status=200)/COUNT(operation_status)) AS average_manual -- this is giving me the correct result but I think AVG function should be able to give me this too

So for example the correct value for the APP_1 would be 0.5, cause it has 2 requests but only 1 is 200, so 1/2 = 0.5, this is the result I get with “average_manual” in the query, but I think that AVG function should also be able to give me this result but I can not figure out how is the proper way, appreciate any help