Printing not printing

  Kiến thức lập trình
    const articles = await page.$$eval('.SearchArticleResult_article__wIpzh', (elements, dateFilter) => {
        console.log("Articles before filtering:", elements.length); // Print number of articles before filtering
        const allArticles = => {
            const urlElement = element; // The element itself is the anchor containing the URL
            const titleElement = element.querySelector('h3.type__h5'); // Selector for the title
            const sourceElement = element.querySelectorAll('.SearchArticleResult_articleMeta__QpcRj')[0]; // First span for source
            const dateElement = element.querySelectorAll('.SearchArticleResult_articleMeta__QpcRj')[1]; // Second span for date
            const dateText = dateElement ? dateElement.textContent.trim() : null;
            const date = new Date(dateText); // Convert date text to Date object
            return {
                url: urlElement ? urlElement.href : null,
                title: titleElement ? titleElement.textContent.trim() : null,
                source: sourceElement ? sourceElement.textContent.trim() : null,
                date: date,
                dateText: dateText // Keep the original date text for reference
        const filteredArticles = allArticles.filter(article => > new Date(dateFilter));
        console.log("Articles after filtering:", filteredArticles.length); // Print number of articles after filtering
        return filteredArticles;
    }, config.dateFilter); // Pass dateFilter as an argument`Found ${articles.length} articles.`);
    await Dataset.pushData(articles);`Saved articles from current page.`);        
    //`Processing ${JSON.stringify(articles)}`);

    // Insert articles after scraping
    await insertArticles(articles);

This section of code isn’t running. It works when I just have the articles variable without the allarticles variable inside of it.