PnP.Core – Mock of IFolderCollection failing

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I need to mock a sharepoint document library returning a list of 6 files. This is the logic I am using to create a mock system.

public class SharePointDocLibraryUtilsTestFactory
    private Mock<IPnPCoreSDKClient> _mockPnPCoreSDKClient;
    private Mock<IPnPContext> _mockPnpContext;
    private ITestOutputHelper _output;

    public SharePointDocLibraryUtilsTestFactory(ITestOutputHelper output)
        _mockPnPCoreSDKClient = new Mock<IPnPCoreSDKClient>();
        _mockPnpContext = new Mock<IPnPContext>();
        _mockPnPCoreSDKClient.Setup(client => client.GetPnPContextAsync(It.IsAny<string>())).ReturnsAsync(_mockPnpContext.Object);
        _output = output;

    public IList SetupMockSharePointLibrary()
        var mockList = new Mock<IList>();
        var mockRootFolder = new Mock<IFolder>();
        var mockWeb = new Mock<IWeb>();           
        var subfolders = new List<IFolder>();

        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            var mockFolder = new Mock<IFolder>();
            var mockFileCollection = new Mock<IFileCollection>();
            var mockFiles = new List<IFile>();

            for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
                var mockFile = new Mock<IFile>();
                mockFile.Setup(f => f.Name).Returns($"File_{i}_{j}.txt");
                mockFile.Setup(f => f.ServerRelativeUrl).Returns($"/sites/me/Documents/folder_{i}/File_{i}_{j}.txt");

            mockFileCollection.Setup(m => m.GetEnumerator()).Returns(() => mockFiles.GetEnumerator());
            mockFolder.Setup(f => f.Files).Returns(mockFileCollection.Object);

        // Setup folder collection to return our mock folders  
        var mockFolderCollection = new Mock<IFolderCollection>();
        mockFolderCollection.Setup(m => m.GetEnumerator()).Returns(() => subfolders.GetEnumerator());
        mockRootFolder.Setup(f => f.Folders).Returns(mockFolderCollection.Object);

        // Setup the mock list to return the root folder and the correct item count  
        mockList.Setup(l => l.RootFolder).Returns(mockRootFolder.Object);

        // Setup the mock web to return the mock list  
        mockWeb.Setup(web => web.Lists.GetByTitleAsync(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<Expression<Func<IList, object>>>()))

        //mockList.Setup(l => l.RootFolder).Returns(mockRootFolder.Object);
        //mockWeb.Setup(web => web.Lists.GetByTitleAsync(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<Expression<Func<IList, object>>>()))
         //      .ReturnsAsync(mockList.Object);

        _output.WriteLine($"Total file list count {mockList.Object.ItemCount}");
        return mockList.Object;

When i debug this code, I can see that the mockFolderCollection is empty. This is the output from my immediate window:

    Behavior: Default
    CallBase: false
    DefaultValue: Empty
    DefaultValueProvider: {Moq.EmptyDefaultValueProvider}
    Invocations: {Moq.InvocationCollection}
    Name: "Mock<IFolderCollection:1>"
    Object (Moq.Mock): {Mock<IFolderCollection:1>.Object}
    Object: {Mock<IFolderCollection:1>.Object}
    Setups: {Moq.SetupCollection}
    Switches: Default

Because this is empty, when it calls the SUT, i get a null error by the time it hits this specific function:

    private async Task ProcessFolderAsync(IFolder folder, SharePointDocLibraryInventory result, bool recursive, string checksumType)
        // Process files in the current folder
        foreach (var file in folder.Files)
            string checksum = await GenerateChecksumAsync(file, checksumType);
            result.Files.Add(new SynchronizedSharePointDocument
                Name = file.Name,
                FullPath = file.ServerRelativeUrl,
                RelativePath = file.ServerRelativeUrl.Replace(folder.ServerRelativeUrl, "").TrimStart('/'),
                Checksum = checksum

        // Optionally process subfolders recursively
        if (recursive)
            await folder.LoadAsync(f => f.Folders);
            foreach (var subfolder in folder.Folders)
                await ProcessFolderAsync(subfolder, result, recursive, checksumType);

The folder parameter comes in as null.