NET 8 (isolated worker model) PUT/POST methods have null body

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I have recently updated from NET6 to NET8, now using the isolated worker model.
Everything went fine, but after some more testing I’ve realized that a few POST/PUT methods are now receiving the body as null.
Some mentions: I am using OpenApi generator and Newtonsoft.Json ( investigated around this for a solution as I thought this needs to be replaced with System.Text.Json – but the generator has Newtonsoft)

While debugging, the only place before my method seems to be in the DirectFunctionExecutor.

Eg for the function below, what I receive is a null body

    public async Task<IActionResult> Method1(
        [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "post", Route = "version/myRoute")][FromBody] string body, HttpRequest req,
        Logger logger)

So far I don’t understand what happened in this case.

If you have any input, please leave it here.