I’ve got a google auth provider and the whole process is managed using NestJS + (Google)Passport, thus it stores client id, client secret etc. So basically I need my (react) client website to have only one dumb google button that calls my API that takes care of the rest. And here is my question: I didn’t see any Google’s tutorial that seemed to cover that case, they always wanted to attach their metas, scripts etc on client and then apply to the button with Client_ID etc there – so to be honest I don’t think my case needs that? Correct me if I’m wrong, if not then is there any CDN/package or something that just gives me the styles (all the crucial stuff) for the button and that’s it?
I’ve implemented those as described and it seems to be fine, although this button needs to meet some Google’s expectations, also those metas and scripts concern me
I’m aware of https://developers.google.com/identity/branding-guidelines if I wanted pure HTML/CSS