Intellij “Workspace Resoluation” – Use linked gradle projects to resolve libraries

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I have two gradle projects (call them A and B) in different git repos.
A uses B, i.e we have a dependency

//build.gradle.kts of Project A
dependencies {

Both Projects are kotlin-based. So the rest of the build.gradle is the same for both projects:

// common parts of build.gradle.kts of A and B
plugins {
    kotlin("jvm") version "1.9.23"

group = "com.example"
version = "1.0-SNAPSHOT"

repositories {

dependencies {
    //-> Only for B: implementation("com.example:B:1.0.1-SNAPSHOT")

tasks.test {
kotlin {
// Publishing configuration
publishing {
    publications {
        // Create a Maven publication named "mavenJava"
        create<MavenPublication>("mavenJava") {
            // Publish the Java component of the project
    // Configure repositories for publishing
    repositories {
        mavenLocal() // Publish to local Maven repository

I have also added both projects to the same IntelliJ Window, meaning that i use the little plus-sign in the gradle toolbar at the right (“Link Gradle Project”).

I can start gradle tasks for both, that is fine so far.

But IntelliJ seems to miss that B is also loaded. When I start in a class from A and navigate into the sourcecode of B (using ctrl+click on the classname), I get a decompiled version of the classfile (that was loaded from mavenLocal()). I would expect it to jump into the sources that are loaded.

As far as I understand IntelliJ Documentation, that should work. It should detect the link and resolve the library dependency with the module sourcecode from the current workspace and not with the binaries/jar from mavenLocal. That feature was known in in maven as “workspace resolution” and I wonder why it is broken for my setup (minimal example).

Does that have to do with my setup (is it broken for kotlin or gradle?) or did I miss anyting?

Currently using IntelliJ Idea 2024.1