I tryna run this Python file to let a minesweeper game solves itself but it didn’t

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I was assigned a group project in Intro to AI course at uni.
The topic was: “implement an AI to play a puzzle game by itself using a blind search algo and a heuristic search algo.”
The required programming language is Python. If me and my friends use other languages, our project grade will reduce by half.
We pick Minesweeper as the game, DFS for blind search.

This is our code for DFS:

from memory_profiler import profile
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter.messagebox import showinfo, showerror
import time

class solution:
    def __init__(self, matrix, last_flag = None):
        self.size = len(matrix)   
        self.matrix = matrix
        self.last_flag = last_flag
        self.list_flag = []
        list_cl = []
        for i in range(self.size):
            for j in range(self.size):
                if matrix[i][j] == -1 or matrix[i][j] == -2:
                    list_cl += [(i,j)]
        self.list_close = list_cl

    def print_matrix(self):
        for row in self.matrix:
            for element in row:
                print(element, end=' ')
    def place_flag(self):
        rf,cf = (0,0)
        if self.last_flag == None:
            rf,cf = self.list_close[0]
            for i in range(len(self.list_close)-1):
                if self.last_flag == self.list_close[i]:
                    rf,cf = self.list_close[i+1]
        self.matrix[rf][cf] = -2
        self.list_flag += [(rf,cf)]
        self.last_flag = (rf,cf)
    def replace_flag(self):

        if self.last_flag == self.list_close[-1]:
            r,c = self.last_flag
            self.matrix[r][c] = -1
            self.list_flag = self.list_flag[:-1]
            self.last_flag = self.list_flag[-1]
            r,c = self.last_flag
            self.matrix[r][c] = -1
            self.list_flag = self.list_flag[:-1]
            for i in range(len(self.list_close)-1):
                if self.last_flag == self.list_close[i]:
                    rf,cf = self.list_close[i+1]
            self.matrix[rf][cf] = -2
            self.last_flag = (rf,cf)
            self.list_flag += [(rf,cf)]
    def next_stage(self):
        if self.last_flag == None:
            is_flag_valid = True
            is_flag_valid = self.check_valid_flag(self.last_flag)

        if is_flag_valid == True:

    def get_arround_cell(self, cell):
        r,c = cell
        list_temp = [(r-1,c),(r+1,c),(r,c-1),(r,c+1),(r-1,c+1),(r-1,c-1),(r+1,c+1),(r+1,c-1),]
        list = [i for i in list_temp if i[1]>=0 and i[0]>=0 and i[1]<=self.size-1 and i[0]<=self.size-1]
        return list
    def count_flag(self,cell):
        list_arround = self.get_arround_cell(cell)
        num_flag = 0
        for i in list_arround:
            if self.matrix[i[0]][i[1]] == -2:
                num_flag += 1
        return num_flag

    def compare_value_with_num_flag(self, cell):
        value = self.matrix[cell[0]][cell[1]]
        num_flag = self.count_flag(cell)
        if num_flag < value :
            return -1
        if num_flag == value:
            return 0
        if num_flag > value:
            return 1
    def check_valid_flag(self, flag):
        if flag == self.list_close[-1]:
            return False
        list_cell_arround_flag = self.get_arround_cell(flag) 
        for cell in list_cell_arround_flag:
            if self.matrix[cell[0]][cell[1]] >=0:
                if self.compare_value_with_num_flag(cell) > 0:
                    return False    
        return True
    def check_end(self):
        for i in range(self.size):
            for j in range(self.size):
                if self.matrix[i][j] >=0:
                    val = self.compare_value_with_num_flag((i,j))
                    if val == -1 or val == 1:
                        return False
        return True
    def create_matrix(self):
        rows = len(self.matrix)
        cols = len(self.matrix[0])

        new_matrix = []

        for i in range(0,self.size):
            new_matrix += [[]]
            for j in range(0,self.size):
                if self.matrix[i][j] == -1 :
                    new_matrix[i] += " "
                elif self.matrix[i][j] == -2:
                    new_matrix[i] += '????'
                    new_matrix[i] += str(self.matrix[i][j])

        for i in range(rows):
            for j in range(cols):
                label = tk.Label(window, text=str(new_matrix[i][j]), borderwidth=1, relief="solid", width=8, height=3)
                label.grid(row=i, column=j)
        update_button = tk.Button(window, text="Next Step", command=self.update_matrix)
        update_button.grid(row=self.size + 1, columnspan=self.size)
        end_button = tk.Button(window, text="End", command=self.end)
        end_button.grid(row=self.size + 2, columnspan=self.size)

    def end(self):
        isFinish = False
        while isFinish == False:
            isFinish = self.check_end()

    def update_matrix(self):
            finish = self.check_end()
            if finish == True:
            for widget in window.winfo_children():


    def end_matrix(self):

            rows = len(self.matrix)
            cols = len(self.matrix[0])

            new_matrix = []

            for i in range(0,self.size):
                new_matrix += [[]]
                for j in range(0,self.size):
                    if self.matrix[i][j] == -1 or self.matrix[i][j] == -3:
                        new_matrix[i] += " "
                    elif self.matrix[i][j] == -2:
                        new_matrix[i] += '????'
                        new_matrix[i] += str(self.matrix[i][j])
            for widget in window.winfo_children():

            for i in range(rows):
                for j in range(cols):
                    label = tk.Label(window, text=str(new_matrix[i][j]), borderwidth=1, relief="solid", width=8, height=3)
                    label.grid(row=i, column=j)

    def emp_cell_0(self, cell):
        list_arround = self.get_arround_cell(cell)
        list_arround = [i for i in list_arround if self.matrix[i[0]][i[1]] == -1]
        for i in list_arround:
            self.matrix[i[0]][i[1]] = -3


    def DFS(self):
        global window
        window = tk.Tk()


grid1 = [
    [-1, 1, 2, -1, -1, 2, -1],
    [2, -1, -1, 3, 3, 3, -1],
    [2, -1, 3, 2, -1, -1, 1],
    [1, -1, -1, 4, -1, -1, 0],
    [1, -1, -1, 4, -1, -1, -1],
    [1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 2],
    [-1, -1, 1, -1, -1, 3, -1],

sl = solution(grid1, None)


I run:
python3 <this-file-name.py on my Ubuntu-running laptop.
There will be a popup window displaying a 7×7 matrix of a predetermined minesweeper game. (written in grid1 variable). Also, there will be “Next Step” and “End” button placed at the bottom center.
Initially, “Next Step” is intended to display the next step to solve the puzzle, “End” is for immediately clear the puzzle. The hyphen character ‘-‘ will be filled into the blank tiles, it represents the removed tiles. (no mine exists there)

But, “Next Step” as well as “End” did not work as expected.
As shown in the below screenshots
The pop window as soon as I run the command
Reality (kinda like that)

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