how to get data in many to many relation in laravel

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I want to use many-to-many relationship for the first time, initially I had four one-to-many relationships and all the information was displayed in index form. Then I decided to write the table of offices in many-to-many with tasks table, so I changed the codes as follows:
in task model:

public function Office(): BelongsToMany 
        // return $this->belongsTo(Office::class, 'office_id'); 
        return $this->belongsToMany(Office::class); 


in office model :

public function tasks(): BelongsToMany    
        // return $this->hasMany(Task::class,'office_id');                       
        return $this->belongsToMany(Task::class);

in controller with three one-to-many and one many-to-many relations:

public function index()

        $tasks = Task::where('type', 0)
        ->with(['Office', 'Commander', 'Status', 'Priority'])
        return view('taskmanager.tasks.index',compact('tasks'));

and in index form (view):

@foreach($tasks as $item)
    <td>{{$item->office->caption}}</td>    //line with error

but in line {{$item->office->caption}} I get an error :Property does not exist on this collection instance.
As I said before, I don’t have this error in one-to-many mode, how can I edit and run it?