How to .copy on a generic case class without directly extending them?

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How do I return a copy of a generic case class using the case class .copy method?

I’m trying to achieve the following:

def modifyNumber[T <: { def number: Int }](objectWithNumber: T, numberToReplace: Int): T = {
  objectWithNumber.copy(number = numberToReplace)

but I get the error:

value copy is not a member of type parameter T

objectWithNumber.copy(number = numberToReplace)

These case classes from from an automated ORM process so I can’t directly extend them. Is there a way around that?

Here’s an example of a few case classes:

case class One(someText: String, number: Int)
case class Two(otherStuff: List[Long], number: Int)

I’m able to create generic functions which I can pass either of these two case classes like so:

def addNumber[T <: { def number: Int }](objectWithNumber: T, numberToAdd: Int): Int = {
  objectWithNumber.number + numberToAdd

I also tried:

def modifyNumber[T <: Product with Serializable { def number: Int }](objectWithNumber: T, numberToReplace: Int): T = {
  objectWithNumber.copy(number = numberToReplace)

but with this I get the same error.

How can I implement modifyNumber such that it can return a copy of the generic? Is this possible on Scala 2.13.10 (the version I’m on).