How to convert this optimized SQL snippet in equivalent lambda-based LINQ

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I am having issue in writing an optimized lambda-based query for Entity Framework entities. I hope the below code snippet and embedded comments are succinct enough for the context.

Entity Framework database context class, entity classes and repository class below

public sealed class ProjectDbContext : DbContext
    // removed other code for brevity
    public DbSet<City> Cities { get; set; }

public sealed class City
    public Guid Id { get; private set;}
    private readonly List<Student> _students = new();
    public IReadOnlyList<Student> Students => _students.AsReadOnly();

public sealed class Student
    public Guid Id { get; private set;}
    // removed other code for brevity

public interface ICityQueryRepository
    Task<City> GetByCityIdAndStudentId(Guid cityId, Guid studentId);

public sealed class CityQueryRepository : ICityQueryRepository
    // simplified for brevity

    private readonly DbSet<City> _dbSet;
    protected IQueryable<City> Query;
    public CityQueryRepository(ProjectDbContext dbContext)
        _dbSet = context.Set<City>();
        Query = _dbSet;
    public async Task<City> GetByCityIdAndStudentId(Guid cityId, Guid studentId)
        var result = await Query
            .Where(x => x.Id == cityId && x.Students.Any(sc => sc.Id == studentId))
            .Include(x => x.Students)
        // I see that 'result' at this point is a valid City object 
        // but 'result.Students' collection is of size 0. It should be non-zero because
        // there are some rows there.
        return result;

The relevant Mediatr handler below

public sealed class TestCommand : IRequest
    public Guid CityId { get; init; }
    public Guid StudentId { get; init; }

public sealed class TestCommandHandler : IRequestHandler<TestCommand>
    private readonly ICityQueryRepository _queryRepository;

    public TestCommandHandler(ICityQueryRepository queryRepository)
        _queryRepository = queryRepository;

    public async Task Handle(TestCommand request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        var city = await _queryRepository.GetByCityIdAndStudentId(request.CityId, request.StudentId);
        // See previous inline comment e.g. 'city.Students' is empty collection

The actual database schema looks like the following (simplified for brevity)

Cities table

Id: Guid

Name: varchar{100}

Students table

Id: Guid

Name: nvarchar(100)

CityId: Guid (nullable)


What change should I do in my approach to produce a SQL query like the following (which works perfectly fine)

    Cities city
    LEFT JOIN Students st ON st.CityId = city.Id
    st.Id = '123123-f4da-4f15-bffa-000cb1123123' 
    AND city.Id = '48748767-760d-45a6-b2c3-18279b2e46d'