How to build the venom node

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I want to build the venom node to get the transaction and transfer the venom. But I can’t find any useful information, the discord can’t be asked. Also I find the github(, and build the wallet api node, but when I curl the 8080 port(curl -s –location –request POST “” –header ‘Content-Type: application/json’ –header “api-key: 6fe73982686f9b2d6b23d5163cea786cdd6462c5578e6dcc40aa6ca805c4912f” –header “timestamp: 1714987243000” –header “sign: iIq3TXD7agxRJ+DGI6swAWXrUIIrgdmYNJkUoroysys=” –data-raw “{}”), it doesn’t repsonse.Is there anyone help me?

provide the doc about how to build the venom node(not stake).
provide the api doc about how to get the transaction and transfer the venom and so on