How can I represent elegant FMT settings for a BAR LABEL in pandas plot?

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Here’s a function that generates a barh graph and displays a bar label

import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns

def plot_barh(s, unit='', title='', f=0):
    ax1 = s.plot(kind='barh', figsize=(6, 3),
                 width=.8, title=title)

    ax1.bar_label(ax1.containers[0], padding=10, color='black',
                  fontsize=10, fmt='{:.' + str(f) + 'f} ' + unit)
    sns.despine(bottom=True, left=True)

Plot sample data s, in a graph like this

s = pd.Series({'John': 7, 'Amy': 4, 'Elizabeth': 4, 'James': 4, 'Roy': 2})

enter image description here

Decimals and units can also be represented

plot_barh(s, unit='point',f=1)

enter image description here

fmt='{:.' + str(f) + 'f} ' + unit code in plot_barh func make this, but I’m struggling to find a more elegant way to express the argument of fmt.

I’ve tried f-string or the format function, but I get an error.

Am I using something wrong?

Or are f-string or format functions not supported?

and if not, why not?