How can I get an SVGImageElement from an SVG defined directly in the HTML that can be drawn on a Canvas?
<div id="canvas-div">
<canvas id="my-canvas">
<div hidden>
<svg width="100" height="100" id="svg-circle">
<circle cx="50" cy="50" r="40" stroke="green" stroke-width="4" fill="yellow" />
let svgImagAny: any = document.getElementById("svg-circle");
// let svgImg: SVGImageElement = svgImagAny as SVGImageElement; // Doesn't work
this.context.drawImage(/* What goes here?*/ svgImg, 0, 0, 25, 25);
Edit: Thanks for the suggestion to look at How to access SVG elements with JavaScript? but this seems to rely on loading content. I specifically want to define the SVG entirely inline and then draw it on a Canvas. If I missed something there please point it out.
<div id="canvas-div">
<canvas id="my-canvas">
<div hidden>
<img src="/your/svg/path.svg" alt="Alternative text" id="svg-circle" />
let svgImage = document.getElementById("svg-circle") as HTMLImageElement;
this.context.drawImage(svgImage, 0, 0, 25, 25);