Error 500.30 after changing target platform from x64 to x86 in a Web Server API project in Visual Studio 2022

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I’ve created a new Web Server API project in Visual Studio 2022 using .NET 8.0. Automatically, the WeatherForecast controller is generated. After compiling and publishing without making any changes, I configured the project on IIS, and everything works fine.

Later, I changed the target platform to x86.
enter image description here

I compiled and published again without receiving any errors. I also tried setting the runtime target to x86 and x64.
enter image description here

However, after configuring the project on IIS, I’m getting a 500.30 error when trying to access the created controller.
enter image description here

When I run the project in Debug/Release mode directly from Visual Studio, everything works fine.

After enabling logging, I receive this error:

Event Log: ‘Application ‘/LM/W3SVC/3/ROOT’ with physical root ‘C:inetpubwwwrootrestapi’ hit unexpected managed exception, exception code = ‘0xe0434352′. Please check the stderr logs for more information.’
End Event Log Message.

Can someone help me resolve this issue? Thanks in advance for any suggestions.