EF Core composite key with relation

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I have the following classes representing that one Account can have multiple Profiles (simplified for easier understanding):

public record ProfileId(string Value);
public record AccountId(string Value);
public record UserId(string Value);

public class Profile
    private Profile() { }
    private Profile(ProfileId id, UserId userId, Account account)
        Id = id;
        UserId = userId;
        Account = account;

    public ProfileId Id { get; private set; }
    public UserId UserId { get; private set; }
    public Account Account { get; private set; }

public class Account
    private Account() { }
    private Account(AccountId id, string name)
        Id = id;
        Name = name;

    public AccountId Id { get; private set; }
    public string Name { get; private set; }
    private readonly List<Profile> _profiles = new();
    public IReadOnlyCollection<Profile> Profiles =>_profiles.AsReadOnly();

This is the code for the Profile entity type configuration:

        builder.HasOne(profile => profile.Account)
            .WithMany(account => account.Members)
        builder.Property(profile => profile.UserId)
        builder.HasKey("user_id", "account_id");

… and this is the one for Account:

        builder.HasKey(account => account.Id);

I want a composite key for the table Profile on “user_id” and “account_id”, but EF gives me this error.

Unable to create a ‘DbContext’ of type ‘AppDbContext’. The exception ‘The property ‘user_id’ cannot be added to the type ‘Profile’ because no property type was specified, and there is no corresponding CLR property or field. To add a shadow state property, the property type must be specified.’ was thrown while attempting to create an instance.

How can you configure the Profile entity with EF to achieve this goal?