Edge Compute comparison with traditional data center computing?


I am trying to understand edge computing model and how it different from data center computing. I have read a number of blogs on the topic but the edge computing model is not clear to me, some key points which I understand

1: Edge Compute brings compute closer to the end-point device like self-driving car, alexa device etc. Edge Compute tries to minimize the distance travelled by network calls.

2: One blog explained edge compute with Pizza chain model. It said, think of edge compute as various local restaurant joints of a big Pizza chain. That way, your pizza order would not got to central pizza restaurant, instead it would go to the nearest restaurant. Again minimizing the distance.

I understand the analogies, but I am not able to understand edge computing in practice. Taking the example of self-driving car, where does the edge compute live? For comparison, if application is deployed in the cloud, the RPC network call will go to the corresponding data-center. How will that work in case of edge compute model?