Create Shapefile from Set of Routes in OSMNX

  Kiến thức lập trình
Place Lat Long
Saluhallen 57,7052433780123 11,9678099732456
Gothenburg Law Court 57,7070260802736 11,9660123575804
Göteborg Centralstasjon 57,7090180088649 11,972294301168
Sahlgrenska University Hospital 57,6829267881712 11,9619088391943
Skatås motionscentrum 57,7041859292408 12,0357343174424
Universitas Regia Gothoburgensis 57,6985173380122 11,9715930268999

I have list of locations in Gothenburg, Sweden for which I calculated a route matrix (distance shortest path from each location to all others, only in one direction). Now for a demonstration, I wish to create a shapefile of the entire set of routes, somehow I don’t get how to combine all routes to a graph.

I am aware that I am supposed to use GeoPackage instead, but until now I always failed to open GeoPackage files in ArcMap. Also the problem creating the graph would remain the same…

I would be very grateful for your assistance.

My code looks as follows:

import osmnx as ox
import geopandas as gpd
import pandas as pd

city = 'Göteborg, Sweden'
graph = ox. graph_from_place(city, network_type='walk')
# locations dataframe from excel
filename = 'places.xlsx'
places = pd.read_excel(filename)

# for each place --> closest node in graph
place_nodes = []
for i in range(len(places)):
    i_lat = places["Lat"].loc[i]
    i_long = places["Long"].loc[i]
    i_node = ox.nearest_nodes(graph, i_long, i_lat, return_dist=False)

all_nodes = set()

for i_from in range(len(place_nodes)):
    # only one direction
    for i_to in range(i_from+1, len(place_nodes)):
        # calc route
        dist_nodes = ox.shortest_path(graph, place_nodes[i_from], place_nodes[i_to], weight='length')
        # list of route edges
        dist_edges = ox.utils_graph.route_to_gdf(graph, dist_nodes)
        print (dist_edges)
        # route length
        length = dist_edges["length"].sum() / 1000
        print("From", places["Place"].loc[i_from], "to", places["Place"].loc[i_to], "it's", length, "km.")
        # set of all node ids without duplicates
        all_nodes.update(set(dist_nodes) - all_nodes)
        # first run
        if i_from + i_to == 1:
            all_edges = dist_edges
        # all other runs_ gdf with all edges in routes
            all_edges = gpd.GeoDataFrame(pd.concat([all_edges, dist_edges], ignore_index=True))

nodes, edges = ox.graph_to_gdfs(graph)
# gdf with all nodes in routes
route_nodes = nodes.loc[all_nodes]
all_edges.set_index('osmid', inplace=True)
# create graph, then shapefile
shapegraph = ox.utils_graph.graph_from_gdfs(route_nodes, all_edges, graph_attrs=None), filepath=None, encoding='utf-8', directed=False)

I believe that reason for the error is hidden in the concatenation, as adding


to that line also throws an error…

Like I mentioned before, I am extremely grateful for any hint to what I did wrong.