Crawlee deploy on GCP return BrowserLaunchError

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I’m trying to deploy a very basic crawlee application, served by an Express server. Following this example –, using PlaywrightCrawler, persistStorage is false.

The app gets deployed correctly, but when I call the crawl endpoint it returns an error right after printing [33m PlaywrightCrawler:[39m Starting the crawler.

 "error": {
        "name": "BrowserLaunchError"

This is my app.yaml

runtime: nodejs20

instance_class: B4_1G

  API_PORT: 8080

  max_instances: 1
  idle_timeout: 5m

I have not worked with GCP a lot, so it’s possible I’m missing some config here, but it seems there isn’t enough memory here to run the crawler. I don’t really know how to increase the memory here beyond the instance classes.

I’m using the google cloud sdk to deploy the app. Any suggestions on how I can get this to run? Is the App engine (standard env) not the platform for this?
