Can we put a same usecase more than twice in 1 usecase diagram [closed]


There will be 4 roles, with 3 roles having a same use-case that is called view campaign and a use-case view segment.

Can we put a same use-case more than one time in the same use case diagram?

The idea is, in the same use case diagram, 3 view campaign use-case for the same system.


You can place the same element more than once in a diagram. The UML specs do not forbid that and a few diagrams in the specs make use of this (really only in very rare and special cases).

On the other hand: if your use case diagrams resemble a spider web your design is likely broken. And if you tell that you have 3 view campaign use case that’s just nonsense. There is only one use case with that name. Use cases are unique in describing a single added value a system under consideration delivers to one of its actors.