Best Approach for Optimal Performance Globally


I am working towards offering an online service globally. The service was constructed and is executed on AWS in the cloud. In addition to the service, there will be a website that functions as landing page and a portal for customers to log in and configure the service itself. Typically, I would build this website using PHP and MySQL on a shared hosting server. Since I plan to offer this service globally and the location of that server is fixed, this approach would lead to poor experiences for users who are far away from the server’s location. I can therefore use a CDN to address this issue partially. However, this approach still neglects the most important aspect, the customer portal for paying customers, which involves server-side code that obviously cannot be cached. At least in the beginning before migrating the website or its entire functionality to AWS for optimal performance, I would like to use technologies with which I am already familiar (e.g. PHP, MySQL) to speed up development, but I am not sure if it is possible to do so without impeding the website’s performance for users that are far away from the server’s location. Is it possible? Does anybody have any advice?