Avoid Putting Data in a Group By SQL

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I am working on converting values to overpunch by joining an overpunch table to a purchases table, but for a report that sums up the purchases I am having trouble avoiding putting overpunch in the group by. Below is my current code and the overpunch table I am using. I think this could be solved with a CTE but I have not had luck with it yet.

 ,LEFT(RIGHT('000000000000' + SUM(CustomerPaid),12),11) + o1.overpunch
 ,LEFT(RIGHT('000000000000' + SUM(CustomerSaved),12),11) + o2.overpunch
FROM Table

LEFT JOIN OverPunch_Values o1
  ON RIGHT(CustomerPaid, 1) = o1.numeric AND SIGN(CustomerPaid) = o1.VarCharSign

LEFT JOIN OverPunch_Values o2
  ON RIGHT(CustomerSaved, 1) = o2.numeric AND SIGN(CustomerSaved) = o2.VarCharSign

GROUP BY ID, o1.overpunch, o2.overpunch
Overpunch Numeric Sign VarCharSign
} 0 -1 -1
J 1 -1 -1
K 2 -1 -1
L 3 -1 -1
M 4 -1 -1
N 5 -1 -1
O 6 -1 -1
P 7 -1 -1
Q 8 -1 -1
R 9 -1 -1
{ 0 0 1
A 1 1 1
B 2 1 1
C 3 1 1
D 4 1 1
E 5 1 1
F 6 1 1
G 7 1 1
H 8 1 1
I 9 1 1
{ 0 0 0