Why rds go to recovery mode automatically when everything is normal

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I have a RDS mysql instance with instance size t3.micro as the size of database is small, single instance no multi az, CPU utilization is also normal and DB connections are also normal not that much but without any reason it went to recovery mode and restarts.

Event occur “Recovery of the DB instance has started. Recovery time will vary with the amount of data to be recovered.”

Instance restarted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have no clue why it was happened as it is the second time RDS went to recovery mode , I saw all logs but everything is normal that time nothing has happened which can become the cause of it.

If anyone aware of it please give me a solution why it is happened and I don’t want it to happen again please if anyone know or have idea how we resolve it please help me.

I will set MultiAZ too in my instance but am worried that it will not go to recovery mode again and we will not face any downtime.

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