Why am I not able to run airflow scheduler on my local

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I am working on Mac OS Intel and tried to install airflow on local. Initially everything was working fine. airflow webserver as well as airflow scheduler. I accidently closed my terminal on Pycharm which was running the airflow scheduler command, after that I am continuously receiving below error:


I tried uninstalling airflow, changed the default database from SQLLite to PostgresSQL , also changed the executor from Sequential to Local, but the error persists. Web server open fine but the scheduler does not start running and throws Connection in use error.

I tried uninstalling airflow, changed the default database from SQLLite to PostgresSQL , also changed the executor from Sequential to Local, but the error persists. Web server open fine but the scheduler does not start running and throws Connection in use error.

I tried releasing port 8793 by using below commands:
netstat -vanp tcp | grep 8793


I tried killing the Process using kill -9 38590 and it gives below message:

enter image description here

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