here you can see that i am running this file but it keeps runs the another file this issue with the run java(which is from jdk in vs code)
in terminal :PS D:alljavaJAVA_DATA_STRUCTURE_ALGORITHM> & ‘C:Program FilesJavajdk-22binjava.exe’ ‘–enable-preview’ ‘-XX:+ShowCodeDetailsInExceptionMessages’ ‘-cp’ ‘C:UsersDevesAppDataRoamingCodeUserworkspaceStoragef15e8345020948ee3e7b51b6009bcaceredhat.javajdt_wsJAVA_DATA_STRUCTURE_ALGORITHM_86631f85bin’ ‘Main’
this path is from roaming where there are many class file are there once i tried to delete that folder then that folder is recreated
please help me to resolve this issue i have tried uninstall and install process but that doesn’t help me
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