This has me really confused…how come the counter variable “cntr” starts out with a value of 11, but the first time in the loop it gets a value of “102”?
It should be “11” and I don’t understand what’s going on.
Here’s a screenshot of the code next to the debug.print window .
Here’s the code:
Public Sub show_NNN_expenses()
Dim StartRow As Integer, LastRow As Integer, isCamRow As Integer, ii As Integer, cntr As Integer
StartRow = 11
LastRow = 200
ii = 0
cntr = 11
Debug.Print ("Starting")
'Loop through the rows
For ii = StartRow To LastRow
Debug.Print ("StartRow " & StartRow & " Last Row: " & LastRow & " Current Row " & ii & " Cntr: " & cntr)
'hide rows not "NNN" or "CAM"
isCamRow = InStr(1, Cells(cntr, 1).Value, "CAM")
Debug.Print ("isCamRow " & isCamRow)
If isCamRow > 0 Then
'show row
' Cells(ii, 1).EntireRow.Hidden = False
'hide row
' Cells(ii, 1).EntireRow.Hidden = True
End If
cntr = cntr + 1
Next ii
End Sub
enter code here