Public Sub test()
unique_Sort_multiple_columnstoSinglecol "$D$5:$K$23", "A1"
End Sub
Public Sub unique_Sort_multiple_columnstoSinglecol(SourceRng As String, DestinationRng As String)
Dim Arr(1 To 15) As Variant
With Range(SourceRng)
MyAddress = .Address(True, True)
MyRows = "ROWS(" & MyAddress & ")"
'MyRows = "ROWS($1:$" & .Rows.Count & ")"
MyColumns = "COLUMNS(" & MyAddress & ")"
MrRow = "ROW($1:$" & .Rows.Count * .Columns.Count & ")"
'Sort text after number
Arr(1) = "COUNTIF(" & MyAddress & ",""<=""&" & MyAddress & ")"
Text = "(SUM(--ISNUMBER(" & MyAddress & "))*ISTEXT(" & MyAddress & "))" ' count numbers
Arr(2) = "(" & Arr(1) & "+" & Text & ")" 'add count of numer to text
Arr(3) = "SMALL(" & Arr(2) & "," & MrRow & ")" ' sort
' eliminate duplicate
Arr(4) = "(" & MrRow & "<" & MyRows & "*" & MyColumns & ")" ' to remove the largest
Arr(5) = "(" & Arr(3) & "*" & Arr(4) & ")"
Arr(6) = "SMALL(Arr(5),MrRow)" ' sort
Arr(7) = "(" & Arr(3) & "<>" & Arr(6) & ")"
Arr(8) = "(" & Arr(3) & "/" & Arr(7) & ")"
Arr(9) = "SMALL(IFERROR(Arr(8),""""),ROWS($1:1))" ' sort uniqu small by small
Arr(10) = "(" & Arr(9) & "=" & Arr(2) & ")" ' get uniqu small by small
'orgnize Rows And Columns
Arr(11) = "(ROW(" & MyAddress & ")-MIN(ROW(" & MyAddress & "))+1+((COLUMN(" & MyAddress & ")-MIN(COLUMN(" & MyAddress & ")))*ROWS(" & MyAddress & ")))"
Arr(12) = "MAX(" & Arr(11) & "*" & Arr(10) & ")"
'Get rows
Arr(13) = "MOD(Arr(12)-1," & MyRows & ")+1" 'Get rows
'Get rows
Arr(14) = "CEILING(Arr(12),MyRows)/MyRows" 'Get columns
Arr(15) = "IFERROR(INDEX(" & MyAddress & "," & Arr(13) & "," & Arr(14) & "),"""")"
End With
With Range(DestinationRng)
`your text`
.FormulaArray = "=" & Arr(15)
.Replace "Arr(12)", Arr(12)
.Replace "Arr(8)", Arr(8)
.Replace "Arr(6)", Arr(6)
.Replace "Arr(5)", Arr(5)
.Replace "Arr(3)", Arr(3)
.Replace "MrRow", MrRow
.Replace "MyRows", MyRows
.AutoFill Destination:=.Resize(Range(SourceRng).Rows.Count * Range(SourceRng).Columns.Count, 1)
End With
End Sub