Typescript declaration file just creating secondary definition instead of replacing interface

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I’m using mongoose-delete and its types package @types/mongoose-delete. There is a problem with one of their interface declarations, so I’ve tried to augment it like so…

// mongoose-soft-delete.d.ts
import mongoose from 'mongoose';
import 'mongoose-delete';

declare module 'mongoose-delete' {
  interface SoftDeleteModel<
  //.. the rest of the owl

It’s only half working in that – now I have two definitions for SoftDeleteModel. How do I get it to replace the other instead? The original declaration is like

import mongoose = require("mongoose");

declare namespace MongooseDelete {
    interface SoftDeleteModel<
        T extends Omit<mongoose.Document, "delete">,
    // ...

When I try to include the namespace value, it does not work at all.

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