Tag : sqlite

I have 2 separate tables. I can’t seem to figure out a Select statement with a Join and Case condition that gives results based on changing account numbers. In Client_info table we have 6 digit account numbers which can now change to 7 or 8. Client Balance table is connected with Client Info via the acct_no field but the acct_no field here is a derivation of acct_no in Client info. In some cases, there are digits before and after the six digits. For ex..

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Я делаю телеграмм бота, и мне нужно сохранять отправление пользователем фото, в таблицу SQLite 3, а потом обратно отправлять этому пользователю через метод SELECT, но у меня не получается, и программа не работает. Помогите пожалуйста вот ..

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I have an 86GB SQLite database I am trying to rebuild using VACUUM. The problem is it appears to eventually load the entire database into memory to do this, and I only have 32GB of memory. I am on macOS, and the OS seems to not allow it to swap that much and the disk access is slowed to a few MB per second (down from nearly 1GBps at times during the initial part of the pro..

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