Tag : sql

I’m interested in converting a string to a float, but I haven’t had the chance to try it out. It’s a task I’ve been meaning to tackle, but other priorities have taken precedence. Nonetheless, I recognize the importance of learning how to perform this conversion. Perhaps I’ve been hesitant because of the potential challenges involved, or maybe it’s simply a matter of finding the right opportunity to delve into it. Regardless, I’m eager to expand my skills and take on new coding challenges. Converting a string to a float seems like a fundamental skill that could prove useful in various programming scenarios. It’s just a matter of taking that first step and diving into the process. With determination and perseverance, I’m confident that I’ll be able to master this task and enhance my programming abil..

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I have a Customers table and a CustomerPhones tables. The Customers table has ID, FirstName, Lastname. The Phone Numbers table has CustomerID, PhoneNumber, PhoneType. Lets say I have the following data in the Customers table
ID Firstname Lastname
1 Bob Smith
and then in the phone numbers table
customerid phonenumber phonetype
1 111111111 H
1 222222222 C
1 3333333..

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I want to select portions of a Phone number from a field called PhoneNumber, the numbers come in like example (343)765-58584 so i want to select three different portions from this number, namely: countryCode, AreaCode and the Number, even though the numbers do not contain the country code but i will like to add that as field just incase.
This what am expecting from the ..

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I want to select portions of a Phone number from a field called PhoneNumber, the numbers come in like example (343)765-58584 so i want to select three different portions from this number, namely: countryCode, AreaCode and the Number, even though the numbers do not contain the country code but i will like to add that as field just incase.
This what am expecting from the ..

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