Tag : opengl

I am trying to create an OpenGL application that needs a lot of VBOs, altough a single shader only needs to be able to bind to 6-7 VBO’s. And So I was trying to create a bunch of binding points for all my VBO’s, but I got an invalid argument error at the 91st VBO. I saw that GL_MAX_UNIFORM_BUFFER_BINDINGS was at 90, which seems incredibly low to me. Does this really mean my GPU only supports 90s simulatnous ..

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OpenGL allows for the creation of Uniform Buffer Objects. Each UBO lives at a certain binding point (index) from which it can be picked up by a shader (associating a binding point with a block index). But I was wondering, at what scope does this index matter? Does each renderpass have its own set of binding point indices? Or does the whole application have one global list of binding points, shared by all..

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I created a skybox for my project and it looks the way I wanted it to; however, there are a few issues I cannot figure out how to fix and I have read some tutorials on this subject, but I was not able to find something that would help me. The first problem is that I don’t know how to get the box to always move with my camera. I am able to rotate the camera to left or right only i can’t zoom out, zoom in, go up ,or..

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My program uses orthpgraphic projection with an internal resolution of 480×270 and a viewport resolution of 1920×1080 (without shaders). When I draw a rectangle directly to the framebuffer I am able to move it around in incriments of 0.25 pixels (because there are 4 pixels in the framebuffer for every 1 pixel of internal resolution). But when I switch from drawing directly to the framebuffer to redering to a 1920×1080 FBO texture, instead of the 0.25 pixel movements, it “snaps” and only moves 1 whole pixel at a time. Why is..

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