Tag : node.js

node: v20.12.1 OS: mac The correct code: import fs from ‘node:fs/promises’ const dir = ‘./a/b/c’ fs.access(dir).catch((e) => { return fs.mkdir(dir, { recursive: true }) }).then(() => { fs.writeFile(`${dir}/hello2.txt`, ‘Hello, World!’) }) But I would like to know why fs.writeFile execution fails after removing return, and fs.mkdir also fails. import fs from ‘node:fs/promises’ const dir = ..

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I’m facing an issue with updating the WebSocket endpoint configuration in Erela.js to connect to my Lavalink server. I’ve recently upgraded my Lavalink server to a newer version, which requires using a different WebSocket endpoint (/v4/websocket). Despite trying to update the Erela.js library and all its plugins using npm update erela.js, I haven’t been successful in resolving the ..

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I’m currently facing an issue with updating the WebSocket endpoint configuration in Erela.js to connect to my Lavalink server. I’ve recently upgraded my Lavalink server to a newer version, which requires using a different WebSocket endpoint (/v4/websocket). Despite trying to update the Erela.js library and all its plugins using npm update erela.js, I haven’t been successful in resolving the ..

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