Tag : microservices

Hey I am just wondering my team is about 10 people. I’ve been working at this company for two years and I just feel that I am not improving. We own roughly 7-8+ microservices and I am just struggling with learning all the different services, understanding the complexities of some of the core services, and creating or modifying the pipelines for each service. Is this normal or are we inheriting too many ser..

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I need to write an application that consumes data from Kafka. The data is produced with the default partition scheme. The application cares about the current message and most recent message for any given key. In the event of the application going down (scaling in, deployment, failure), the most recent message would need to be fetched so..

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I have a service A that every once in a while needs to send a message to a cluster of services B1, B2 … BN.
Then all of these services need to receive that message reliably, and send a confirmation back to A.
After A receives the confirmation from all services from cluster B, it needs to send a message to another cluster of services C1, C2 …

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I’m building a system where I need to measure certain algorithms, which are written by the end users. Obviously running external code is a huge security risk, therefore it needs to be isolated. The current solution is to start up docker containers for each submission, run the code inside the container, then terminate it. In terms of scalability, this solution seems rather limited, it already stutters under moderate stress tests. What I had in mind for improve..

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I’m building a system where I need to measure certain algorithms, which are written by the end users. Obviously running external code is a huge security risk, therefore it needs to be isolated. The current solution is to start up docker containers for each submission, run the code inside the container, then terminate it. In terms of scalability, this solution seems rather limited, it already stutters under moderate stress tests. What I had in mind for improve..

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