Styling doesn’t work for classes and ids, but works for just tag names

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I’m new to react, and I hope it’s something very obvious, but still, why don’t styles apply to elements via classes and IDs? Here’s my component

import './Header.module.css'

function Header() {
    let routes = [
            name: "Home",
            href: "#"
            name: "About",
            href: "#"
            name: "Contacts",
            href: "#"
    let links = => <li><a href={route.href}>{}</a></li>)

    return (

                <a className="bars" href="#"><i class="fa-solid fa-bars"></i></a>
                    <li className="search-bar">
                        <input autocomplete="false" type="text" placeholder="Search"/>
                        <button><i className="fa-solid fa-magnifying-glass"></i></button>

export default Header

I also tried applying styles via objects in JS and style={style} and it worked.

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