Sending float continuously from python to arduino via serial

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I’m trying to send lots of float data from python to arduino. But when I check the values, some of them are wrong.

the part of python code:

arduino = serial.Serial(port=args.port, baudrate=115200, timeout=5000)

# Send each float in a feature
for num in feature:
    arduino.write(bytes(str("%f" % num), "ascii") + bytes("n", "ascii"))

# Receive the input back
recv_features = []
for _ in range(len(feature)):
    recv = arduino.read_until()

where feature is a list with 1440 floats.

the arduino code:

#define INPUT_LEN 10
char X_test_byteArr[INPUT_LEN];
float data[1440];
void setup() {

void loop() {
    size_t num_read;
    // Receive every input as string, convert to float
    while (Serial.available()==0) {}
    for (int i = 0; i < 1440; i++) {
        // Wait for input data
        while (Serial.available()==0) {}
        // Read input string
        num_read = Serial.readBytesUntil('n', X_test_byteArr, INPUT_LEN);
        X_test_byteArr[num_read] = '';
        // Convert input string to float
        data[i] = float(atof(X_test_byteArr));

    for (int i = 0; i < 1440; ++i) {

Here is the sent data:

[-1.12,  0.32, -0.48, -0.84,  3.01,
  0.03, -0.80,  0.23, -0.69,  1.02,
  0.55,  0.24, -0.13, -0.55, -1.42,
  4.20,  0.05,  0.04,  0.29, -0.45,
 -0.12,  0.21, -0.81, -0.07,  1.03,
 -0.09, -0.01,  0.38, -0.99,  1.59,
  0.21, -0.18,  0.03,  0.39,  1.38,
  0.76, -0.15, -0.25,  0.23, -0.02,
  0.00, -0.48, -0.27,  0.19, -0.09,
 -1.77,  0.24, -0.52, -0.08,  0.43]

and the received data in python:

[-1.12,  0.32, -0.48, -0.84,  3.01,
  0.03, -0.80,  0.23, -0.69,  1.02,
  0.55,  0.24, -0.13, -0.55, -1.42,
  4.20,  0.05,  0.04,  0.29, -0.45,
 -0.12,  0.21, -0.81, -0.07,  1.03,
 -0.09, -0.01, 37987,  0.00, -0.99,
 59294,  0.21, -0.18,  0.03,  0.39,
  1.38,  0.76,  0.00, -0.15, -0.25,
 22918,  0.00, -0.02,  0.00, -0.48,
 -0.27, 19308, -0.09, -1.77,  0.24]

I guess add some delay can fix it, but any better method can speed up the whole progress? Thanks for any idea.

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