send/get paramter from to C DLL

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I have got a C DLL and try to transfer Paramter between and DLL:

Deklaration in VB:

    <DllImport("can.dll", CallingConvention:=CallingConvention.StdCall)>
    Public Shared Function TransmitSerCanCmd(cmd As UInteger, ByRef pSrcData As Byte(), numScrData As UInteger) As Boolean
    End Function

    Public Shared Function ReadSerCanDllVersionInfo(ByRef lpszVersionInfo As String) As UInteger
    End Function

All information about can.dll I have is:

BOOL CALLBACK                   /* successful (TRUE) / failed (FALSE) */
 TransferSerCanSrvData                      /* Transfer service data */
  (UINT srv,                    /* data service (<=127) */
   void *pDstData,              /* data destination for data read from server */
   UINT numDstData,                 /* number of data to read from server (<=8) */
   void *pSrcData,              /* data source for data sent to server */
   UINT numSrcData);                /* number of data to send to server (<=8) */

BOOL CALLBACK                       /* successful (TRUE) / failed (FALSE) */
 ReadSerCanDllVersionInfo           /* Read SerCAN protocol dynamic link library version and info */
  (LPSTR lpszVersionInfo);          /* version and info string (! min. 80 characters) */

In VB.Net I wrote this test:

        Dim x1(7) As Byte
        Dim x2(3) As Byte
        Dim b1,b2 as boolean

        x2(0) = 1
        x2(1) = 0
        x2(2) = 55

        b1 = TransferSerCanSrvData(1, x1, 2, x2, 2)
        Dim s1 As String
        a2 = ReadSerCanDllVersionInfo(s1)

Unfortunately this doesn’t work. I don’t get any information back in Byte Array.
String reference is also not working. Can anybody help please what is missing here? Thanks.

I alredy tried to use other data type without success.

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