Save snapshots on different NFS than PVCs

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I was wondering if the following is even possible, and if so, how you would do it.

I have a cluster and I am using csi-driver-nfs to provision my pvcs. I have also installed gemini to create automatic snapshots of my pvcs. But the snapshots are stored on the same NFS as the pvcs, so if the NFS fails, my snapshots might also get lost.

Would it be possible to tell gemini to save the snapshots on a different NFS? The only thing I see where gemini takes its information about where to store the snapshots is the driver in the volumesnapshotclass I provide. But even if I created two storageclasses with the csi-driver and configure them with different servers/paths for the NFS, they still have the same provisioner, so the driver will be the same.

I tried installing nfs-subdir-external-provisioner and set the driver in gemini to nfs-subdir-external-provisioner, but then no snapshots get created. (they stay in status “ready = false” iirc)

I also tried to provision the pvcs with nfs-subdir-external-provisioner and save the snapshots with csi-driver, but this does not work as the provisioner is not able to create snapshots at all.

I have two NFS available, and I can configure csi-driver-nfs and gemini to create pvcs and snapshots simulatously on one of them, but I can’t use one NFS for pvcs and one NFS for snapshots.

I know this setup might be kind of strange, and maybe I am missing smth, but I am very new to kubernetes, and this is the setup I have to work with in my company.

I hope this is somewhat understandable, and someone of you can help me with my situation, or at least tell me that what I try to achieve is complete bullshit. I can provide more information or files if needed. Thanks for your help.

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