At the moment I’m trying to run two scripts in parallel at boot on a raspberry pi 3B+. However, the problem I’m sunning into is the first script to stop when the second starts.
The following code is saved in a .sh:
# Start a new tmux session named 'script1' and run the first Python script
tmux new-session -d -s script1 "/usr/bin/python3 /home/pi/ > /home/pi/script1.log 2>&1"
echo "Started script1 session at $(date)" >> /home/pi/test.log
# Wait for 2 seconds before starting the next session
sleep 2
# Start a new tmux session named 'script2' and run the second Python script
tmux new-session -d -s script2 "/usr/bin/python3 /home/pi/ > /home/pi/script2.log 2>&1"
echo "Started script2 session at $(date)" >> /home/pi/test.log’
With the use of crontab @reboot I’m running the script.
The script runs fine I.e. logging tells me each script starts. But when I tmux attach via the terminal, there is only one running script to show. Tmux tells me “no more sessions running” if I CTRL+B and N to the assumed next tmux session.
My question is what my code should look like to have the scripts run in parallel continuously.
All help is appreciated
I tried running the scripts separately in the terminal. That worked. This incates the scripts are fine. The same I tried with the tmux commands. Same result. But running it in parallel did not work